Tibetan counties on lockdown, another Tibetan shot dead

The counties of Draggo and Serta in Tibet are on lockdown now — no telephone, internet, or visitors to the area since Chinese forces opened fire on protesters there on January 24 and 25. According to the Tibetan Review, "Exile Tibetan and Tibet support groups have said up to six Tibetans were killed in Draggo and at least five killed in Serta, while many other[s] were injured and that there had been large scale arrests."

In other news emerging out of Tibet, the AFP is reporting this morning that another Tibetan protester has been shot and killed by Chinese forces, this time in Sichuan province. According to the report, "Urgen, a 20-year-old Tibetan, died Thursday in Sichuan's Rangtang county when police fired into a crowd trying to stop them from detaining another man, the US-based International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and India-based TCHRD said."

(Photo by SFT HQ via Flickr using a CC-BY license.)

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Mystical Spirit 3 - Hindu, Buddha, Shinto and Beyond

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