Stopping To Be Still - #still4amo

Armchair style bench
A brisk sunny afternoon bench

Walking along the street yesterday I spotted a group of youngsters eating their lunch on a bench beside the road. Much tweeting and rustling going on as well as laughter. There is nothing like sitting on a long bench with friends, perhaps with a bag of chips to warm ones hands. Memories of sitting on a park bench beside Derwent Water in the Lake District. Vegi Pasties I seem to remember, with hot tea to wash it down with. It was a grand monks day outing!

Park benches can be a great place to take a moment to be still, to regroup, settle and then move on. There is always a place to sit however making the time to do that is not so easy. Deciding to stop at a bench, or wall, to sit4amo while on a mission is a huge ask of oneself. Walking has a momentum, missions have a press to complete, arriving on time is important.

I'm finding the pre-arrangement to sit at 5.00 pm each day this month a great help. I know that I am committed to stop then and even if it's just one minute that's fine. The momentum of activity and the press to finish a task are eclipsed by my greater intention to simply stop.

See Meditation Mantra - #still4amo for background information.

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