Virtual Enlightenment

Article by Steven S. Sadleir

Within one generation technology has brought the world together in ways unimaginable to most people. We have extended our awareness through satellite, cellular and fiber optic applications. The World Wide Web has created a global mind with information being shared with millions in seconds; ideas move through the World Wide Web much like thought moving through fields of neurons in our brain. Where we used to have most of our classes in a room, now most people are dialing in through teleconference lines, and listening to our classes on their PDA's and iPods; we grew from a few hundred to tens of thousands all over the world in just a couple years! Our Institute is virtual, each staff member works out of their home, and I rarely even meet the students I work with in person. It's not necessary; transmitting Shakti is even more effective virtually since the teacher is not the person but the spirit that is non-physical. This adaptation of technology has also provided an opening in consciousness that enables me to connect with you in ways unimagined in earlier times. Where Shaktipat had traditionally been transmitted through physical touch or presence from teacher to student, it is now broadcast virtually like a satellite signal to students all over the globe. For the first time in history people half way around the globe can connect with the Shakti anytime by simply "tuning in" to the life force that passes through me to you. In this way we join in spirit and commune in Divine Grace. We are all connected in spirit.This month we launch our Membership program. Now anyone with a computer, anywhere in the world, can connect energetically to our spiritual community and radically accelerate their instinctive evolutionary enlightenment. The spiritual connection is transferred through voice, written words, and through spirit itself. You have been called to awaken from the dream and fulfill your life purpose. You are part of a growing body of people who are being led to full enlightenment and you know this inst! inctivel y. Your enlightenment is creating the critical mass that is shifting the collective consciousness of humanity so we can all live together in happiness and peace. I look forward to sharing with you more. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

About the Author

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization.

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Gentoo Linux - Enlightenment (E17)

A really short video showing off only a few of the many amazing technologies that have already been incorporated into the e17 codebase.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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