“Living in the Light of Divine Sanity”: A retreat for people of color at the Garrison Institute

From August 31 through September 2, the Garrison Institute will host a retreat called "Living in the Light of Divine Sanity: A Retreat for People of Color," led by Gina Sharpe, director of the New York Insight Meditation Center. All who self-identify as people of color are invited to participate in this spiritual community in an environment of ease and support for meditating together, for beginners and experienced meditators alike.

Sharpe explains her reasons for organizing a retreat just for people of color in this Q&A, and it's worth a look. "Some may be offended by the thought of a retreat exclusively for people of color," Sharpe says. "I've been told that it is "a form of segregation. Some have also alleged that by creating this separate sacred space for meditation, it encourages people of color to hang on to an identity.  But in fact, people of color have to live that identity every day. We don't have to be encouraged to deal with it. Our society forces us to confront it."

According to the course description: "As people of color, the institutionalized oppression and microagressions we experience can lead to even greater pain. What resources can we access in the midst of our daily lives, to help us remember to live into a larger dimension than the small body of fear and despair which often drives our hearts and minds?  How can we live in the light of divine sanity rather than under the spell of habit and cultural beliefs that drive separation rather than connection? This weekend will offer tools for reflection and resources for living sanely."

More information and registration are available here. To make the retreat as accessible as possible, it's being offered at the Garrison Institute's lowest rates.

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