FPMT teacher Geshe Tsering dies

Geshe Tsering, a teacher and the half-brother of Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition founder Lama Yeshe, has died.

The Tushita Meditation Center in India, where Geshe Tsering lived for 30 years, announced that he died on August 16 in Nepal. Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, where he had been living since 2010, issued a statement about his death, explaining that his health had been in decline for several months.

"Geshe la came to India after the Chinese invasion of Tibet," the statment said, in part. "He spent many years at Sera Monastery, where he received his Geshe degree. He spent some years teaching the monks at Kopan, till he went to Tushita, Dharamsala, where he stayed for many years, helping with the regular pujas and giving teachings and advice to the Western students." You can read the full statement here.

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