Rimay Monlam to be held at Garrison Institute this weekend
Tulku Sherab Dorje and Lama Surya Das have announced the Buddhist Peace Prayerfest Rimay Monlam. As the website explains, the Tibetan word rimay means"honoring and including all schools and traditions of Buddhadharma," and monlam mean "an articulation of purpose; a mission statement; a formulation for realizing our highest aspirations." Co-organized and co-led by the two teachers (with many more in attendance), the event will be held at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, New York this weekend, June 1–4. You can find more at the website (which includes a special note and practice guide for those who cannot attend the event), and in the YouTube video below. Read More @ Source Toward the First Revolution in the Mind Sciences Google TechTalks August 8, 2006 B. Alan Wallace, Ph.D. has been a scholar and practitioner of Buddhism since 1970. He is currently seeking ways to integrate Buddhist contemplative practice...