Mt. Baldy Zen Center announces remodel, asks for donations

Photo: linsuhill via Flickr, CC-BY license

Mt. Baldy Zen Center, the remote Rinzai Zen training center founded by the centenarian Joshu Sasaki roshi in the San Gabriel Mountains of the Angeles National Forest region, would like to remodel their zendo and are asking for donations. In a blog post on the center's website on June 6, they put out the following request:

"Please help us preserve the zendo as a tribute to all that Roshi has done, and continues to do, for his thousands of monks, nuns and students worldwide. If you're not a student of Roshi's, please think of this as a tribute to the remarkable place that MBZC has been, and will continue to be, each and every time you come. To turn this vision into reality, we need your help."

You can read the full post here, which explains in greater detail the need for a new facility.


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