I Can See Clearly Now!

Sometimes we see the bigger picture
and sometimes it's just the glasses on the end of our nose!

This morning as I reached for my reading glasses I caught sight of the smears on the lenses. Usually I smooch the glass clean with a bit of my robe fabric, not taking the time to do a proper job. But today I went and washed my glasses with shower jell, which was to hand, and hey presto I can see clearly now!

But seeing clearly is a matter of perspective. Sometimes taking in the bigger picture and sometimes zoomed in close. What's in focus? Objects, over there and people over there are an obvious focus point. But what if, instead of gazing exclusively at objects, one takes in the space around. Negative space as it is termed. Not only around objects but between the object and ones own body? And between oneself and other selves. Somebody said the other day that it is the spaces between that unite not create division or distance.

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Zazen - A Guide to Sitting.

A brief explanation of zazen-often called sitting meditation. Filmed at the Kokusai Zendo in Kyoto, Japan. This clip is from The Zen Mind by EmptyMind Films. Produced & written by Jon Braeley.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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