Working Together - Shared Vision

Learn from the people
Plan with the people
Begin with what they have
Build on what they know.

Of the best leaders
When the task is accomplished
The people will remark
We have done it ourselves.

Lao Tzu

Yes, the best of it is working together. (This subject seems to be popping before me at the moment.) Working together to actualize a vision, a dream, a plan, a project. Build a house, build a community, build a garden, cook for a crowd. Or in my recent past, knit a tank top for the late Iain Robinson's grandson. Quite a number of people contributed towards it's eventual completion. Completed this very night.

One can think that working together means a lot of people, or a few, all in the same place at the same time doing something - BIG. And of course that is true and very enjoyable. It can also however mean a number of individuals, with particular skills or resources, living at a distance, contributing at different times to achieve a vision.

The basis of Buddhist is that Shakyamuni Buddha found Enlightenment and if he, a human being with human weaknesses and strengths, can do it we can know that too. His life is our inspiration, our lives and actions can be an inspiration to others. ...and what exactly IS leadership?

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Celebrating Celibacy

Ajahn Brahm - How celibacy brings peace, simple contentment and spiritual insight that surpasses that of romance and sexuality. AND makes for a positive response towards an overpopulated and polluted planet...

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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