Video: Check out — and help out — “Planting Seeds,” a kids’ film about mindfulness from Plum Village

Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village community is crowdfunding for a documentary film for children called Planting Seeds: The Power of Mindfulness, which will combine live-action documentary footage with animation to teach children about mindfulness through songs, stories and engaging activities.

The film is based on the book Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness With Children. Both the book and film offer mindfulness activities that children can do at home, at school or in their community.

"In the world we are asking, How can our children grow up to be peace-builders? How can they learn to use the conflicts of the past to provide compost for lasting harmony in our communities, our nations, and the world? 

Planting seeds is a film to answer these questions," says Brother Phap Luu, one of the monks at Plum Village. Read on to learn how you can help, and to watch a video preview of the film.

Planting Seeds will be shot this July during the month-long Summer Retreat, when families from around the world gather at Plum Village, in Southern France, to learn about mindfulness. It is scheduled for release on DVD in Spring 2013, along with a comic book and interactive iBook.

Produced by Peace is The Way Films, the film will cost an estimated $ 200,000 to produce, even with the film crew working at a discounted rate. Through June 23, the filmmakers are collecting donations on their IndieGoGo page to help reach their goal. Those who donate will receive discounts on the DVD and comic books.

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