Miley Cyrus, meditation advocate?

It seems that as pop-star and actress Miley Cyrus grows up, she's getting more serious about the messages she sends to her fans. As a new SFGate article tells us, Cyrus has "found" meditation, and wants to encourage her (mostly young, female) fans "to meditate more and take time to discover what they really want out of life."

Cyrus's online meditation game "shows Miley relaxing and re-centering herself and meditating before she performs one of her hottest concerts."

In fact, Cyrus has even licensed her name and image to be used in "Magical Awakening," an online game in which fans can give the star a hand by knocking backstage distractions out so that Miley can focus on her meditation. (Like a lot of online games, this one is a little frantic and simple: the player just roams the screen, clicking on the phone, the TV, the fax machine, and so on to turn them off. Animated Miley, for her part, just keeps on smiling and sitting.) The game can be found here.

What's cool about all this is that it's so unlike anything Miley's pop-star contemporaries are doing. In fact, "cool" is besides the point to Cyrus, who says "I'm so sick of people trying to be too cool. Cool is so dumb." As SFGate's report states, Cyrus "found meditation and realized her best friend is herself – and she urges other confused teenagers to follow her example and get in touch with the real you."

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