How do Shin Buddhists express the dharma through music? Lend your voice

From Scott Mitchell, a teacher at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, comes a request for help in his research:

"What can we learn about Buddhism in the West when we look beyond the usual suspects of practice and teachings — meditation, compassion, mindfulness — and instead at the lived, daily experiences of Buddhists in the real world? How do Buddhists express themselves and their understanding of the Dharma? Through art? Through fiction and poetry? Through music?

"I'm doing research on just this question. I'm looking specifically at the issue of music as Buddhist practice in American Jodo Shinshu communities. My hope is to tell the story of the United States' oldest Buddhist community through an appreciation of how Shin Buddhists express the Dharma through music.

"If you have an affiliation or any experience with a Shin Buddhist community, please take the time to complete my short survey. You'll find it here:

"And if you would like to learn more about my project, please visit"

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