In Karnataka India a well known Buddhist monk and his associates has been arrested and charged with defamation and offending the religious sentiments of others. The Hindu newspaper, one of the largest in India reports that Bhante Bhodhidamma and four others are being detained without bail. These monks are associated with the Bijapur Indosan Sogenji [...] Read More @ Source
INVOKING THE BLESSINGS❤☀ OF MEDICINE BUDDHAS We bow before the Buddha of Medicine, The supreme Light of Lapis lazuli, Completely purified, accomplished, Bhagavan, Arahat, Tathagata. (1) Related Programme INTRODUCTION : Bhaisajya guru is the Buddha of healing, the Buddha who heals the sicknesses of body and mind including that of ignorance. He reigns over the Lapis lazuli Pure land in the East of the mandala. He holds a healing fruit in his right hand . His left hand is in gesture of protecting or resting in his lap. His sutra describes 12 vows that the Buddha of healing made in his previous life, to help sentient beings. OM SANGJE MENLA is short invocation mantra in Tibetan, invoking the Blessings of Medicine Buddhas. In this concise spiritual practice we recite verses of Refuge & Bodhicitta, Praises and dedication of merit. We see the mandala of Medicine Buddhas, turning of his short mantra and Buddhist practice text in Tibetan (2). In this suffering world there are numerous diseases,epidemics,famines,war and natural catastrophes (flood,earthquakes,droughts,winds,fire) May this Visual Dharma invoke the Blessings/protective power of Medicine Buddhas for all beings and whole planet. ACTIVELY PARTITIPATE in virtuous efforts of EMBEDING this & other Visual Dharmas (or whole Buddhist channel) to other websites, playing them privately or in public . It is continuous turning of Dharma wheel by publishing Buddhist ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
New Delhi, Nov 27 ( IANS ) More than 900 Buddhist scholars , leaders and practitioners from 46 countries Sunday began deliberating the relevance of Gautama Buddha 's teachings, 2,600 years after his enlightenment, at a four-day Global Buddhist Congregation here. The venue at Hotel Ashok sported a riot of saffron, burgundy and ceremonial colours as monks and senior lamas from 46 countries like Nepal, Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Germany flooded the premises. In a televised message, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama , who will attend the convention Nov 30, to deliver the valedictory address, said: 'There have been many opportunities for Buddhists to come together and to discuss issues of common concerns.' 'The congregation has provided a much-needed and crucial opportunity. Now, and in the future, we need to encourage and foster an exchange of knowledge and experience among our different traditions and improve communication a...
Enduring bitter cold Monday morning, a Westminster firefighter battles a blaze at the Lao Buddhist Temple. The building was a total loss. (Steve Nehf, The Denver Post) WESTMINSTER — Brutal cold mixed with cold reality for members of the burned-out Lao Buddhist Temple of Colorado on Monday as they mourned the potential loss of artifacts saved by generations of worshippers. "It's not good, it's not good at all," said an exhausted Tom Pong as dusk fell over the remnants of the temple. "There is lots of history, over 100 years of it, and it could be lost forever." Pieces charred or melted by the fire — which started just before 6 a.m. — included several Buddha figures. Worries about asbestos prevented Pong and other members of the temple from going inside to assess the damage. The temple is part of an older building that the congregation bought in the early 1980s and then expanded on a 6-acre parcel at 10685 Dover St. The older section has asbestos,...
SNOHOMISH -- An unconventional guest is coming to Snohomish County next week. Ole Nydahl, a 70-year-old Danish leader of Diamond Way Buddhism, is visiting followers here in the Pacific Northwest. Nydahl's school of thought can be described as an adaptation of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism to the Western culture, said Daria Novoselova, who will be hosting Nydahl's meeting with students in her Snohomish home. Nydahl, who is known as Lama Ole, is expected to arrive Monday. He is scheduled to give a talk at the University of Washington later that day. Novoselova, 29, felt drawn to Diamond Way Buddhism as soon as she met Nydahl. She remembers that very first lecture. She was 16 and living in Yekaterinburg, Russia, when her older brother brought her along to the lama's talk. "I immediately felt at home," she said. "I had all these ideas about the world, and, suddenly, everything came together." At the end of that lecture, she accepted a blessing ...
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