Myanmar to build Buddhist shrine in Chinese temple

Xinhua, Dec 29, 2011

ZHENGZHOU, China -- Baima Temple, the oldest Buddhist temple in China, will see a new exotic shrine, funded by the Myanma government, rise in its courtyard next year, local religious affairs authorities said.

<< Baima is famed among Chinese people as the country's first Buddhist temple

Construction on the shrine, which will be designed, funded and built by the government of Myanmar, will begin in April next year, said an official with the religious affairs bureau in Luoyang, capital city of central Henan province, where the temple is located.

The 1,943-year-old Baima Temple, or White Horse Temple, is the first Buddhist temple in China and is considered "the cradle of Chinese Buddhism" by most believers.

The 35-million-yuan project (about 5.56 million U.S. dollars), which will include a shrine, a pagoda and a museum, will cover an area of 7,000 square meters, and construction is expected to take about 18 months, the official said.

In order to make the shrine in a genuine Myanma style, most of the materials and decorations will be shipped from Myanmar.

The Myanmar Buddha hall will not be the temple's first exotic shrine, as it is already home to an Indian shrine and a Thai shrine.

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Mindful way Part 3

Buddhist monk strive hard to realise Nirvana. They diligently dicipline their own mind, and watch how desires, emotions come and go, without clinging to them. The impermanence of all forms is a key point in Buddha's Great teachings. Buddhism is the only religion which explains how mind works. If one is to take control of ones mind should he worry about external (non-existing) Gods anymore?? Buddha explained That Self/soul/I is a conventional truth, but not an absolute or ultimate truth. In reality nothing exist. Not-self is called "Anatta", one key point in Buddhism.

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