Linda Spink named Insight Meditation Society’s new Executive Director

In a new message to the Insight Meditation Society community, Linda Spink — who was recently named IMS's new Executive Director — introduces herself:

"From an early age, I was drawn to helping others. Looking back, it seemed very natural for me to become a community mental health social worker. In search of more adventure, I joined the Peace Corps and served as a volunteer in Mauritania. Over the past 22 years as an organizational development consultant, I've been fortunate to have worked with people from all over the world and to have served as the CEO of an employee-owned company.

"Nearly a decade ago, I was looking for tools to develop more effective leadership, both for myself and to offer my clients, so that we could deepen our emotional intelligence and be more present. I met someone who taught such practices for leaders, and who also happened to be an insight meditator. One day she said to me, 'If you're serious about this practice, Linda, you have to go to IMS.' And I responded, 'Great. What's IMS?'

"So in 2006, I came for my first retreat. Right away I just knew that this was home – the sitting and tranquility were something I had longed for. I recognized that if I could develop the ability to drop into stillness and presence more often, more quickly, and more deeply, I could lead from a place of greater centeredness. This same centeredness is a resource for all of us.
"I've traveled to over 60 countries, and it's been an amazing life. Now I want to stay grounded, deepen my practice, and work in an organization I'm passionate about, together with people I truly respect. And that place is IMS. The thought that I will be connecting on a daily basis with teachers and staff is very exciting. Their dedication to both the practice and service to yogis continues to inspire me.

"I'm looking forward to meeting many of you!"

Spink will begin in her new role on July 15th of this year. For more from IMS, including other recent sangha-building developments, visit them on the web.
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