Video: More meditation-inspiration from “Finding True Refuge”

Finding True Refuge is an exciting new web-video series spearheaded by meditation teacher Tara Brach. FTR takes you inside people's intimate journeys into meditation — why they began the practice, and how it has transformed their lives.

Previously, Jesse T. shared his inspiring story in this video, and in this SunSpace post, teachers including Brach and Tsoknyi Rinpoche shared their own meditation experiences. Now, four previous non-meditators explain how sitting has helped to heal and awaken their hearts.

Meditation helped Laura overcome an eating disorder, alcohol addiction, and the loss of a relationship. Now, she draws inspiration from her group meditation practice.

And there are three more FTR videos after the jump!

Janet shares the story of how meditation helped her accept the reality of her mother's death, and helped her create a special moment with her mother:

Terry, an incest survivor, used food as a source of comfort for decades. Now, her practice enables her to confront her trauma:

Cecile had to leave college because of her panic attacks, but since she found the Insight Meditation Community, she hasn't had another panic attack:

You can view all the Finding True Refuge videos here.

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