Samye Ling opposes construction of plant on Holy Isle island

Samye Ling

Samye Ling, a Karma Kagyu lineage monastery on Holy Isle island in Scotland, is worried by a proposed power plant in nearby Arran. Founded by Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Samye Ling was the first Tibetan monastery in Europe (the name Samye comes from the first successful Buddhist establishment in Tibet).

Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, current abbot of Samye Ling, has expressed concern that the proposed plant would be unsightly, producing unwanted noise and pollution. Speaking to Deadline News, Lama Yeshe said, "It's just going to ruin the potential of Arran and Holy Isle." The Rinpoche also worries about the environmental impact, saying, "We feel Holy Isle is beautiful, environmentally and ecologically sound, and we care about nature and the wild animals."

(Photo by maciejzgadzaj via Flickr using a CC-BY license.)

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