Shared Intention

Emerging from the forest - purple fields.

I have just spent a great few days in Nottingham visiting with a couple who are part of this vast network called the Buddhist sangha. On many levels we know each other connecting through interests in common and shared history. Yes, and shared sense of humour too. But talking this evening we touched on that more subtle level of interconnection. The spiritually level, the spiritual merit level if you like. There is nothing substantial that can be measured or easily talked about without massive leaps of faith being required.

then yellow and purple together.

My thought right now is that when two or more people come together with shared intention, to sit and meditate, to act in harmony with the Buddhist Precepts, to work or play together good flows and all benefit without discrimination. A good that is greater than the sum of the parts. I'd also say it is a power to a good which is beyond ideas of good and bad in the ordinary way we conceive of those words.

So I will leave it there for you to ponder on. And with thanks to my two wonderful hosts - we had some good walks and many good talks and we all moved together. Onwards. And for me onwards to west Wales - off grid. Posts will resume next Wednesday.

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