Praxeology And The New Age Of Enlightenment

Article by Robert A. Meyer

Praxeology - The Science of Human Action

Praxeology (Human Action) is the study of individuals and their actions. Unfortunately, the term and the science are pretty much unknown. The reason for this is that the enemies of liberty and freedom would prefer that you didn't learn anything about it. If you understood the laws of human action you would demand an end to the disastrous policies that absolute moralists and other enemies of the individual have foisted upon "society."

The decadence and decay you see in our institutions is the swan song of an age that's passing by. Of course, the ones in power don't have any desire to relinquish their privileged positions. They will tell any lie, violate anyone's liberty and even resort to violence to retain their power positions. That is the reason why wars, terrorism and economic turmoil are the rule of the day.

Fortunately change is in the air. More people are becoming acquainted with the laws of human action and its better known part economics. The power structure can try to "keep you dumb." Their efforts will be in vain. As the Borg in Star Trek say "Resistance is futile." And they are right. Resistance to the changes that are occurring in the New Age of Enlightenment is futile.

A revolution in personal development

The New Age has resulted in an increased interest in spiritual development. Many have adopted New Age Spirituality and a daily practice of meditation. They are seeking a higher awareness and a greater understanding of the world within and the world around them.

Meditation practices have made the spiritually aware more sensitive to the beauty that surrounds them. They have a greater appreciation for the colors and sounds of nature. Their increased sensitivity to music has unleashed sublime emotions that most are oblivious to. They experience greater ecstasy and pleasure in their sexual relationships. And they reason with a heightened clarity. They live "The Libertarian Way" to the fullest.

Enlightened ! individu als will eventually withdraw their support of the power structure. Absolute moralists and power-mongers may attempt to regain control--but you can't control individuals who have discovered inner awareness. Oppressive governments and institutions will wither away.

Conclusion: The glorious age of mankind

Karl Marx was totally wrong about the efficacy of socialism. Ludwig von Mises proved that socialism can't work because economic calculation is impossible if you abolish markets. However Marx did provide us with several insights.

1. Any interference with the workings of the capitalistic system will delay the coming of the glorious age of mankind. Mises proved that any government intervention in the economy will only sabotage the marketplace. Events have proven him right.

2. When capitalism reaches its highest state of productivity--the glorious age of mankind will arrive. He was of course wrong about socialism being the glorious age.

3. As we close in on the glorious age of mankind the State will wither away. He didn't exactly put it in those words but that is the essence of his earlier teachings. Here is actually what will happen.

4. Enough people will discover the laws of praxeology. All government intervention in the economy will disappear. This results in the age of unhampered capitalism. The productivity of human effort soars to the stratosphere. Minutes of labor produces what 8 hours or more currently produces. In fact we can't even envision what productive effort will look like or what it will produce. With all the additional free time available the powers of the mind and spirit reach unknown heights of awareness and ecstasy.

5. New Age thought (a much improved version of what we're currently seeing) results in a significant amount of people becoming spiritually enlightened. Love and harmony reigns supreme on earth. All the pleasure and ecstasy that can be experienced in The Libertarian Way of Life will be greatly enhanced for enlightened beings.

You mi! ght be t hinking none of us will be around to experience this "Glorious Age." Personally I believe we are eternal and will evolve along with the systems of mankind. We will be around to experience it. If I'm wrong we can at least experience the satisfaction of being the fathers and mothers of the Age of Enlightenment. No matter what we are all victorious. How wonderful!

About the Author

Robert A. Meyer has been investigating and studying economics, philosophy, psychology and metaphysics for 30 years. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover "The Libertarian Way."

OpenLearn: History Unit -- The Enlightenment #5

This video is taken from OpenLearn's free history unit `The Enlightenment' The full unit is available for free at

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The Enlightenment (New Approaches to European History)

Debate over the meaning of 'Enlightenment' began in the eighteenth century and has continued unabated until our own times. This period saw the emergence of arguments on the nature of man, truth, the place of God, and the international circulation of ideas, people and gold. In the second edition of her book, Dorinda Outram studies the Enlightenment as a global phenomenon, comparing it against the period's broader social changes. The new edition also features a new introduction and chapter on slavery, and the bibliography and short biographies have been extended.

List Price: $ 83.00 Price: $ 68.45


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