What is Sexual Abuse?
What is the Third Buddhist Precept? The 3rd Precept: One accepts the training rule of avoiding All Sexual Abuse. One should NOT cause Pain to others or oneself in one's search for pleasure! Avoiding sexual abuse is thus an essential core component of harmlessness! Specifically: One should not mate sexually with another's partner. One should not mate sexually with minors < 16-18 years of age. One should not have sex that bears risk of an infectious disease. One should not mate sexually with anyone engaged, or married to another. One should not mate sexually with those imprisoned, forced, or under the law. One should not have sex with one's own children, or those protected by others. One should not have sex with one's father, mother, brother, sister, uncle or aunt. One should not have sex with those entrusted to one's parent-like responsibility. and adoption, when working in schools, kindergartens, orphanages, churches, temples, monasteries, youth o...